Sunday, March 21, 2010

Late March snow.

We've been watching a heavy, wet snow fall outside all this Sunday morning.

"It'll turn to rain after 10 a.m.," they said.  Ha.

Six inches or more and still coming down.

"It was spring, but now it's winter again!" said Gracie.

Quite bizarre for us Southerners!


Kim said...

...and by 3 pm today, it had all vanished. It's 56 degrees out there now. Bipolar weather!

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Hi Kim,

What a wonderful and satisfying (for a writer and gardener) comment from you about my book Sunflower Houses. Wow. Check Roots Shoots Buckets & Boots out of your library. It is crammed with simple to complex projects, but all do-able and fun.

Wow, snow and then 56? Amazing.

All joys to you and yours and I love your house,

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green island